Back in 1974, when a group of four of us started Sandhill Farm,
I started down a path that ultimately added up to my dedicating my life
to building community. While that commitment has never wavered (the
need for community today as more urgent than ever), I've frequently
adjusted the lens through which I see what I'm doing.
of the most potent and enduring ways to frame my life's work is that I
am promoting cooperative culture—as an alternative to the competitive
culture that dominates mainstream society. But what does that mean, cooperative culture?
While it's analogous to asking a fish to define water, I can at least nibble around the edges.
o Caring about how as much as what
While there is lip service given to
how things are done in the mainstream culture (don't break the law, pay
fair wages, and deliver what you promise) there's no question but that
the bottom line is king. In cooperative culture you're just as likely to
get into hot water cutting corners on process as you are if you deliver
slipshod product.
o Thinking inclusively (no us-versus-them dichotomy)
Not going forward unless everyone can be brought along is
quite a different mind set than trying to secure a majority of votes. In
the former there should be no disgruntled minorities; in the latter
outvoted minorities are collateral damage, and a way of life.
o Going to the heart (rather than being nice)
well, cooperative culture is about plumbing the emotional and psychic
depths of topics, not just the best thinking. Wherever there is tension
we work to resolve it, not paper it over.
o Placing relationships in the center
weft and warp of cooperative culture is woven on the loom of human
interactions. The stronger the connections, the tighter the weave.
o Being open to disagreement and critical feedback
healthy cooperative groups there is an awareness of how vital it is to
establish and utilize clear channels of communication among members
whenever anyone is having a critical reaction to the statements or
behavior of another member in the group context. Failing to attend to
this leads to the erosion of trust and is damaging to relationship.
o Emphasizing access and sharing (rather than ownership)
corollary to recognizing the primacy of relationship is that "things"
take a back seat to people. In the interest of leaving more for
others—both present and future—cooperative folks work to eat lower on
the food chain and consume less. If we share, then access to things can
be a reasonable substitute for ownership, and everyone can chase fewer
dollars in order to secure a satisfactory quality of life.
o Taking into account the impact that your words and actions have on others
Another corollary is the realization that cooperative culture doesn't work well unless it's working well for all of us.
That translates into mindfulness about how one's activity lands on
others. In the wider culture the model of good decision-making is
competitive: that a fair fight will produce the best result (survival of
the fittest). In cooperative culture we explicitly reject that
thinking—because we know that life is not a zero-sum game where one's
person's advancement is predicated on another person's loss.
much easier to expand one's consciousness to hold all species once you
accept that we need to hold all of humanity (no just those living in
blue states, those promoting white culture, or those embracing green
politics). Once there, it is that much harder to be at peace with people
throwing trash out the window of their car (essentially fouling our one
nest), or with company CEOs who decide to pay fines because it's cheaper than eliminating pollution from their waste stream.
When seen through the lens of cooperative culture private ownership entails the responsibility to conserve, enhance, and extend—more than the right to hoard, misuse, and exhaust.
What do I mean by cooperative culture? All of the above.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Defining Cooperative Culture
5:58 PM
Labels: cooperative culture, Sandhill Farm
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1 comment:
Very good overview, but for me something's not complete on this list. I'm not sure I will be able to articulate that right away :)
Something about sharing of resources, about our individual contributions to satisfying our own needs and other people's needs - beyond our immediate families. That's not only about ownership, but also about community that's using a resource and governance system of a resource. About codesign, coleadership and collaboration. Maybe that's why I prefer 'collaborative' over 'cooperative'? Also, 'commons' come to mind.
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